
Woman in kayak on a calm, natural lake surrounded by green vegetation a sunny summer day

Anne Readel is a photographer, writer, and lawyer with a PhD in conservation biology. Her stories focus on the relationship between humans and wildlife. Her current projects explore American lawn culture, living with urban turkeys, and the fight to save the endangered rusty patched bumble bee from extinction. She strives to provide solutions-oriented reporting.

Anne specializes in photojournalism, macro photography, and documenting science in the field. She has worked internationally and in remote environments. As a student, she studied frogs in Uganda and fish in Canada. In 2022, she accompanied a group of scientists to northern Mongolia to document how climate change is impacting the endangered Hovsgol grayling. She also serves as a mentor for Storyteller Accelerator, a conservation photography training course offered through the Conservation Visual Storyteller’s Academy.

Anne’s work has appeared in outlets such as the New York Times, Guardian, and Audubon. She is also a regular contributor to Sierra, and Better Homes & Gardens. She is based in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.